Student Of The Month- Nova

Name (or nickname) and Pronouns

Nova She/Her

When did you start your pole journey with Uplift?

July 2021

Why did you decide to try pole dancing at Uplift?

I have always been interested in pole dance but was shy and not confident to do it. Last year I have challenged myself to try something new and decided that it will be the year when I start pole dancing. I found Uplift and was immediately drawn in by the welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, and I have been here ever since.

What do you love most about Uplift?

I absolutely love the community. Having incredible women around me who make me laugh and help me be confident with being me and being open. The sisterhood is amazing and I couldn't ask for better people to be on this journey with.

What do you love about pole dancing?

I love the freedom of expression. I think that it is still a taboo when women express themselves and show their sexual energy. Pole dance allows for this freedom and it is so beautiful.

Did you have a dance or fitness background before starting your pole journey with Uplift?

I have been doing hip-hop dance on-and-off for 5 years.

What are your top 3 favorite songs to pole dance to?

Banks-Gimme Marian Hill-Got It Justin Timberlake-What Goes Around/Comes Around

What advice would you give to others that are thinking about trying pole dancing?

Just dive into it. There is no better way to do it. Some people put it off until they are strong enough or in better shape, but all of this will come as soon as you take the step to just start pole dance.

What are some of your pole and movement goals for the year?

My goals for this year is: confidently and comfortably do inversions. Especially leg hangs. I am very close, so I am confident that this goal will be achieved.

What motivates you to keep coming back and pole dancing at Uplift?

People. I love the friendships that I have found at Uplift and every class is a fun experience that I don't want to miss. I would honestly call Uplift my second home.

What has been the best thing you've learned since starting your pole journey?

The confidence. I have learned to let go of the thoughts in my head and just let my body move. It is such an amazing feeling and I am so happy that I have so much confidence in myself now. I am incredibly thankful for my sisters in pole for helping me open up and be me.