Student of the Month-Marissa

When did you start your pole journey with Uplift?

March 2020. Two weeks before the shutdown!


Why did you decide to try pole dancing at Uplift?

I had always wanted to try pole dancing and finally built up the courage to take a class. After my first class, I fell in love with it and have not stopped going ever since.


What do you love most about Uplift? 

I love Uplift because I feel like I can 100% be myself.  As soon as I step through the door I feel at home. A few of the girls started around the same time. It has been amazing to watch each other grow. The pole community is so encouraging and quite literally "uplifting".


What do you love about pole dancing? 

Pole dancing is not only physical but mental as well. I have learned to trust myself a lot more through my pole journey.  We are more capable than we think we are. Sometimes there are tricks or movement that we learn and my initial thought is "there is no way!" but then I am pleasantly surprised every time.


Did you have a dance or fitness background before starting your pole journey with Uplift?

I did not have a dance or fitness background before starting my pole journey.  I could not even do a push up if my life depended on it. Haha


What are your top 3 favorite songs to pole dance to?

Play with me by Rendezvous, All the time by Jeremih, The girl with the tattoo by Jael


What advice would you give to others that are thinking about trying pole dancing?

Get out of your comfort zone, it's good for you! We often times come up with a million reasons to not try something because we are afraid of the unknown. I promise it is beyond worth it. You will not only learn new things in class but also about yourself.


What are some of your pole and movement goals for the year?

Some of my pole and movements goals for the year are to master shoulder mounts and inverts comfortably.  I am almost there!


What motivates you to keep coming back and pole dancing at Uplift? 

My progress from each week motivates me to keep coming back.  I have taken videos from when I first started pole until now and the progress is astonishing. I also love seeing all of my pole girls every week!


What has been the best thing you've learned since starting your pole journey? 

The best thing I have learned since starting pole is that it is okay to be vulnerable and breathe. (Also, classy hoes point their toes!)